Feeling like the ability to get clients or make money depends on a social media algorithm? What if you could make more money each month?

Get My Proven 1-2-3 To Creating

An Email List That Makes Money

What if you could...

✔️ Get your next 1,000 subscribers

✔️ Make your next $1,000

in the next 90 days?👇🏼

WARNING: Is THIS "email marketing technique" slowing you DOWN?!

"Subscribe to my newsletter!"

This may have worked in 2010...

...but it's definitely not working today.

I know YOU know that building an email list is something you *should* be focusing on.

You've probably heard that you need to come up with a "freebie" or a "lead magnet"...

But how the heck do you come up with something that's exciting enough for people to download...

...without giving away too much for free?!

And say you manage to get some people to "subscribe"...

🤯 What do you write in your emails?

🤯 How often do you email them?

🤯 How do you get people to open your emails...

🤯 ...let alone BUY from you - instead of hitting the "unsubscribe" or even "spam" button?!

Or maybe you're thinking...

Does anyone even still use "email marketing"?!

Is it even worth investing all that time to learn a new platform and skill and to "build a list"?

If you want to make more profit online in 2024…

...you’ve probably been told that you need to get twerking on TikTok

...or spend a bunch of cash on Zuckerberg (ooops, I mean on ads) just to get noticed.

But this is a dangerous half-truth.

Yes, I grew my business using Instagram… BUT the #1 lesson I learned is that:

The REAL money is in the (email) list.

Over the past 5,5 years, I've witnessed that:

1 email subscriber on my list = $1/month in my bank account.

Here is the proof:

List Size:

2017: ~1,000

2018: ~2,000

2019: ~10,000

2020: ~70,000


It's time to build your email list and convert it into consistent income - in a way that feels authentic and easy

But first, some real talk.

Here’s what no-one talks about when it comes to being a successful email marketer:

It doesn’t matter how many emails you send or how fabulous your product is if your emails are being ghosted, or if they’re banished to the naughty corner: the spam folder. 😱

If you want your emails to be delivered, and for people to open, click and loooove them, you’ve got to:

1. GROW your list the smart way (unfortunately, very few people know proper "list hygiene" how to keep their open rates high and to get their emails delivered!)

2. NURTURE your new subscribers - it's not just about being consistent, it's also about getting reallyyyy good at getting people to open your emails because your content ROCKS!

3. CONVERT them into paying clients - without getting banished to the spam corner or coming off as pushy

Here's exactly what you're getting: 👇🏼

Email Secrets To Success Course ($597):

Module 1: Get Your Next 1,000 Subscribers!

List building isn’t hard if you follow one particular technique that I teach and preach.

When done right, not only do you get a VIP invite into your desired reader’s inbox, they won’t want to hit unsubscribe. 

  • The most effective and “magnetizing” way to grow your list by thousands
  • The 8 (free) tools to help you create a killer freebie
  • The proven writing techniques, copywriting hacks, and “trigger words” to get more subscribers
  • Create high converting opt-in pages in a matter of minutes (minus the overwhelm)
  • How to turn your "thank you pages" into passive income generating machines (yay!)

Module 2: Make your subscribers fall in love with you (and sky-rocket your open rates as a result)

When it comes to new subscribers, you want to nurture these babies, well, like they are your babies. You want to give them lots of TLC and exactly what they need.

This builds the “know, like and trust” factor, but also gets those emails opened… which sends a green light to the email postman.

  • The million dollar question: how often to mail your list + what to say to grow that KLT factor
  • Email best practices that get your emails opened and clicked (plus our Top 10 subject lines + subject line trends from analyzing THOUSANDS of emails)
  • How to structure the perfect email with ease - no more sitting in front of your laptop not knowing what to say
  • How to create a welcome sequence that will nurture your newbies 

Module 3: Make your next $1,000 in 90 days - without feeling sales-y or spammy

Just like dating, you don’t want to jump straight to the commitment stage without building lots of trust and desire.

You need to showcase what makes you worthy of their time and attention, so when the timing’s right, they’re ready to take out their wallets and buy your products or services.

  • The blueprint to creating an email strategy mixed of value and "offer" emails that will generate more and consistent sales
  • The #1 insider strategy to increase your click-through rates in order to get more of your subscribers to buy
  • The 6 “sticky” email secrets to getting your subscribers to act & buy
  • Carla's behind the scenes and insider tips on "failed" and successful launches

Retail Price: $597

VIP-Only Offer:

You Get It ALL For Just $497*

*or choose the payment plan and pay 3x easy payments of $197


January 2021: Email list: 20 subscribers

August 2021: "I reached 1,200 subscribers! And my online shop made $2k this month!"

December 2021: Subscribers: 2,025

Apart from launching an e-commerce shop and her own line, Chi Quita has created a community and hosts regular charity events for her local community.

Chi Quita, The Chi Quita Mack

"Since working with Carla I've created a very clear concise plan for how I email my clients and how I launch new classes and products that's been extremely successful.

I came to Carla because I wanted to move my business online after Covid happened.

Within 1 year I sold 500 online courses!

It also takes out the guesswork of the most productive way to earn money through email campaigns (plus I now average an email open rate of 34%!)."

Katie, Katie's Healing Kitchen

Plus you're also getting these 5 exclusive bonuses worth $2,385:


  • Get the 4-day launch sequence email template for running a flash sale to your list
  • Includes subject line prompts to increase your open rates
  • Copywriting secrets for higher conversion


  • Get the exact steps for running a challenge to massively grow your list
  • Pre-, promo-, and post-challenge tips for increasing conversions before and after your challenge
  • Checklists to make sure you're not missing any steps


  • Get exclusive access to 9 of Carla's landing pages, thank you pages, and upsell pages inside Leadpages
  • These pages have converted from 50-80% (industry standard is 30%!)
  • Plug & play your own copy and customize the colors to match your brand


  • Understand the anatomy of an irresistible offer - and how to turn your offers from something that's "nice" to "I HAVE to have this!"
  • The 6 components that make an offer irresistible and what you've likely been missing (this is why no one is buying!)
  • How to create a "value stack" and a 10* experience for your customers and that will turn your offer into a no-brainer


Submit your landing pages and emails and let me give you personalized feedback on how to:

  • Get more people to sign up to your "newsletter"
  • Increase your open rates and improve your calls to actions to get more people to click on your links
  • Tweak your offers to make them sounds irresistible and get more sales as a result

Total Value: $2,982

Retail Price: $597

VIP-Only Offer:

You Get It ALL For Just $497*

*or choose the payment plan and pay 3x easy payments of $197

Imagine how empowering it would feel to…

  • Log into the dashboard of your email platform to discover that you’ve grown your email list by 1k in 90 days (that's just adding 11 new subscribers per day) and doubled your open rates (hella-yeah!)
  • Know EXACTLY how to create a consistent income that feels authentic and easy - just imagine: adding 1,000 subscribers that turn into $1,000/month. Every. Single. Month. Not to mention the skills you now have to double, triple, even 10x that!
  • Feel confident in your ability to build a list of potential buyers and own an asset that’s 100% controlled by you rather than some unpredictable algorithm
  • Not feel overwhelmed or confused by a gazillion different strategies because you’ve got step-by-step guidance on the best ones to use to grow your biz
  • Give the middle finger to writer’s block because you finally know how to write emails that get opened, read, and even loved

"After going through EMAIL SECRETS TO SUCCESS, I was finally able to set up all the sequences and automations to. For the first time, I feel like I'm implementing a strategy rather than just emailing my list without a plan.

I now feel so confident in writing copy for my emails that will actually get opened - I have an average of 30% open rates - and it feels so doable to create sequences for freebies and to create sales.

This course was really guiding me through all the steps needed in order to set up a proper Email Marketing System - and Carla made it so easy and fun to follow along!"

Anna, Holistic Biz Guide

"My email list is 3,800+ now, it was 98 when I started a year ago!

And my open rate is at a solid 45%.

I feel much more confident talking to my audience and offering value. I would always be scared to click send, but now I'm excited to launch new campaigns and see how they can help the business grow."

Liz, Talk The Streets

"I am thrilled!

Carla’s email tips brought immediate results–a request for a studio visit resulting in a new collector and the sale of my largest painting and biggest sale this year!

She offers great information and strategies and is super generous with who and what she knows!"

Nanci Hersh, Artist

Is Email Secrets To Success right for you?

This program IS for you if:

✅ You’d like to watch your email list grow every day, have more people open your emails, and pull out their credit cards when you make an offer

✅ You want to generate more income EACH month and learn the skills to write emails with ease & make offers with confidence.

✅ You want to focus on building an asset that no algorithm can ever hijack

You’re excited by the idea of sharing free value in order to earn the right to make a paid offer

This program is NOT for you if:

❌ You hoard courses like your grandma used to hoard newspapers… and never plan on taking any action

You’re not willing to commit to sending out at least 2 emails per month to nurture your list

❌ You think you can just “manifest” a profitable business without showing up & putting in the work

❌ You think that “selling” is a dirty word and aren't planning on making any offers to make a return on this investment

Hi, I'm Carla!

Yes, you might know me as the “Instagram Queen”, but while Instagram is the “storefront” of my business, my email list is what’s allowed me to massively grow my business and my income. 

Over the past 5 years,  I’ve perfected the system for acquiring subscribers online (my landing pages typically convert at 50-75% - the industry aims for 40%).

I've grown my own list to over 100,000 highly-engaged subscribers. Open rates of +30-40% are the norm for me (the industry aims for 20%),

What’s more important, through nurture- and relationship-building funnels, I’ve been able to turn my subscribers into paying clients, generating over 7-figures in revenue.

And now I'm ready to teach YOU how to do the same so that you can grow your email list and generate a consistent income - in your sleep... ;)

To recap, here's what you get with Email Secrets To Success:

Get your next 1,000 subscribers and make your next $1,000:

  • Module 1: The easiest and most effective strategy to grow your email list 
  • Module 2: How to nurture newbies and get rewarded with the highest open rates ever
  • Module 3: Proven techniques on how to convert your list INTO PAYING CLIENTS
  • BONUS #1: Flash Sale Templates ($297 VALUE): A 4-day launch sequence email templates
  • BONUS #2: 2x Your List ($297 VALUE): How to run an irresistible challenge to massively grow your list & increase conversions
  • BONUS #3: Carla's high-converting Leadpages ($497 VALUE): Get exclusive access to 9 of Carla's landing pages, thank you pages, and upsell pages inside Leadpages
  • BONUS #4: Creating Irresistible Offers ($497 VALUE): How to turn your offers from something that's "nice" to "I HAVE to have this!"

Total Value: $2,982

Retail Price: $597

You Get It ALL For Just $497*

*or choose the payment plan and pay 3x easy payments of $147

Questions People Ask Before Saying “Ohhhh Yes!” To Turning Your Followers Into Email Subscribers 

Who is this for?

This course is for anyone who would like to grow their business using email marketing.

You could be a course creator, a coach, a yoga teacher, jewelry designer or resonate with the terms entrepreneur, solopreneur or want-preneur.

Point being: if you would like to grow and nurture your email list so you can then sell your products or services online, then this course is for you.

How much time do I need to invest in this? I'm busy!

You can go through the entire course in less than a day.

Putting the tips n tricks into action takes longer, but my goal is to SAVE you time by giving you a system and the resources, formulas, and examples to get your emails written in LESS time.

Plus we've got email templates for you to read for inspo or plug n play into your business.

Plus the bonus copywriting templates also take the guesswork out of knowing how to speak to, connect with and then sell to your awesome readers.

What if I don’t even have an email list yet?

This is the PERFECT course if you don’t have an email list! This course will take you through the 3 essential phases of list building: growth, nurturing and conversion.

In the first phase, you’ll discover the simplest and most effective way to grow your list. 

Then you'll learn exactly what to send to your list to nurture them and think of you as their go-to-expert.

Finally, you'll learn how to convert your subscribers into paying clients (and no, it doesn’t involve expensive ads or sleazy marketing “tactics”).

I’ve already got a list and I’m sending regular emails, will I still benefit from this course?

That depends… are you happy with your list growth and open rates? Are you making consistent sales? Do you have automations set up that generate passive income?

If you answer “hmmm, not really” then I recommend that you hit that “join” button as the
marketing strategies and copywriting techniques will get that needle moving.

But if you’re already seeing good results and feel confident in your email marketing and copywriting skills, then you probably don’t need this course.

Do you guarantee that this will work for ME?

What I can guarantee you is that these are the EXACT strategies I've used in my own business to grow my list from 0 to over 100,000 subscribers.

By implementing my strategies you will be able to consistently gain new subscribers and by learning what to send to them, you will be able to nurture them into paying clients.

I can guarantee you that it won't happen overnight and that you will need to implement and take action.

What I've SEEN myself is that, on average, 1 subscriber on my list = $1/month in my bank account.

As you will continue to grow your list and learn to create irresistible offers, you WILL continue to grow your income.

What’s your refund policy in case I change my mind?

We don't offer refunds based on a change of mind, however, you have 30 days to go through the course and implement.

If you can show us that:

  • You've created a freebie and built a landing page according to the lessons in Module 1
  • You've written copy to promote your freebie using the bullet point formulas provided in the course
  • You've promoted your freebie at least 5 times using at least 3 of the strategies provided in the course

...and still haven't grown your email list, we will refund your payment.

All you have to do is email us at support@carlabiesinger.com and submit your freebie, link to your landing page, promo copy as well as screenshots of Instagram/Facebook posts/stories, website opt-ins, etc.